Be a Bright Spark - Winners of the three Chevy Spark L's - Will you be our last winner?

The Be a Bright Spark competition is nearing its conclusion. The last round of the competition closes on 17 November 2015. Our first three winners, Dimakatso Masake, Vincent Malunga, and just recently Dee Ngwana are now the proud owners of their own fly Chevrolet Spark L.

From all of us at Mindset we’d like to wish our three bright sparks a happy and safe motoring experience – we sure wish it could be one of us to win such an awesome vehicle.

So do you see yourself cruising around in a fly Chevrolet Spark L? The last round of the Be a Bright Spark competition is in full swing and this is your chance to win the last Spark. If you have entered the first three rounds then your entry qualifies you for the last round. Do you still need to enter? Get your copy of the Official Safeways Learner’s and Driver’s manual or buy and download the SafewaysK53 Android app and keep your receipt. Enter your details on the entry form that appears on this page. Good luck Bright Sparks!

A special thanks to Neill and Riaan at Williams Hunt Randburg for hooking up Vincent with his Chevrolet Spark L. If you want to experience the Chevrolet Spark for yourself and find new roads, give them a call on (011) 438 0600.


Friday, October 16, 2015 - 06:15



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